Biodiversity Buddies 2024 - 2025

This is a preview of the Biodiversity Buddies Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


Grant Information

The Biodiversity Buddies Grant Program exists to support resident projects which enhance biodiversity outcomes across the Knox municipality. Only 4% of Knox contains remnant area and a significant proportion of this is on private land. The grant program targets properties with or near significant indigenous vegetation to help conserve and promote biodiversity, including flora, fauna, and habitat.

The Biodiversity Buddies Grant Program funds 50% of the cost of residential Biodiversity Projects, at the discretion of the assessing Council. A maximum payment of $1,000 can be provided by the grant.

Eligible properties must be:

  1. Residential properties within the municipality of Knox
  2. Registered as a Gardens for Wildlife (Knox) property.
  3. Within or near significant remnant vegetation. This can include:
    1. The property being in close proximity to a Site(s) of Biological Significance
    2. The property demonstrating the potential to be a ‘stepping stone’ or ‘habitat corridor’ between significant remnant vegetation at the discretion of the assessing Biodiversity Officer.

Eligible applicants must:

  1. Be members of the Knox Gardens for Wildlife Program.
  2. Provide written consent from the property owner if renting.
  3. Be committed to implement the works according to Agreed Action Plan.
  4. Understand and endorse the importance of the project to the environmental value of the area.
  5. Demonstrate a willingness to have an ongoing responsibility and commitment to the biodiversity outcomes of the project.

Applications must be approved before a claim form is lodged.

For more information on the Biodiversity Buddies Grant Program's scope, eligibility, and requirements please see here.